Iran music – memories of you (khaterate to)- Sirvan Khosravi
memories of you (khaterate to)
Singer: Sirvan Khosravi
Persian lyrics, English translation and download MV and MP3
your memories
(khaterate to)
Bargaye zard, mano yade to mindazan
Yellow leaves remind you for me
Che zood resid paeez bazam
Fall come such soon again
Amma inbar to male man ….nisti
But you are not mine this time
Rooza daran aroom aroom sard mishan
Days are getting cold slowly
Ghorooba delgir taran
Evening are such boring
Hame donya behem migan….. nisti
The entire world says to me…. You are not here
To rahat az eshgham gozashti
You pass my love so simple
O bazam man arezoom ine bargardi pisham
And I dream you come back again
Hamishe too zehnam mimooni
You will be always in my mind
amma man too khaterate to kam kam gom misham
But I will get lost in your memories slowly
kam kam gom misham
get lost slowly
oon roozi ke
A day that
khateratet az arezoohat bishtar beshe
your memories get much more than your dreams
oon roozi ke
a day that
pir shode ghalbe to vase hamishe
Your heart become old for ever
to ro didan
seeing you
zire baron ba to khandidan
Laughing with you under the rain
mese ye khabe vase man
is like a dream night for me
kash bazam khabeto bebinam
I wish to see you in my dream nights again
To rahat az eshgham gozashti
You pass my love so simple
O bazam man arezoom ine bargardi pisham
And I dream you come back again
Hamishe too zehnam mimooni
You will be always in my mind
amma man too khaterate to kam kam gom misham
But I will get lost in your memories slowly
To rahat az eshgham gozashti
You pass my love so simple
O bazam man arezoom ine bargardi pisham
And I dream you come back again
Hamishe too zehnam mimooni
You will be always in my mind
amma man too khaterate to kam kam gom misham
But I will get lost in your memories slowly
kamkam gom misham
I get lost slowly
gom misham gom misham
I get lost, I get lost
kamkam gom misham
I get lost slowly