About Iran

Imam hussein-Ashoura-Imam hussein sermon in Ashoura day

جمعه, ۱ آبان ۱۳۹۴، ۰۸:۰۹ ب.ظ

Today and tomorrow are great days for Muslims they called “Tasoua’ and Ashoura”


They could be holy days for you, too, if you know why they are important and great.


More than 1400 years ago great people are killed by cruel people, that this heat in alive in Muslims heart for ever.


They keep Islam alive by Martyrdom in God’s (Allah’s) way.


Imam Hussein “Mohammad prophet grandson” and 72 of his followers are killed in Karbala desert by Yazid’s corps.


This martyrdom signed the document of victory of Islam till the end of the world and it was first blood victory over the sword.


Then let me answer these questions:


Who is Hussein????


Who is Yazid??????


Why Imam Hussein uprising against Yazid?


What was Imam Hussein’s Goal?


What are the reasons for the truth of Hussein?


Who is Hussein????????




Hussein is Mohammad prophet’s grandson and the third imam of Muslims.


He is a perfect example of a wise, loyal, lover and kind people.


He was really a real human.


When Mohammad prophet was alive he told people about the feature, of Karbala’s event


He told: it is a huge heat in Muslims heart because of Hussein’s Martyrs that never turn off.


Imam Hussein and his followers went to Kufa because peoples of Kufa sent letters for him and invited him to their city, they asking for help from Imam Hussein.


They residing in Karbala’s desert and build their tents.


In the Karbala desert Yazid’s corps stops them. And they forbade water from them.


They forbade Imam Hussein and his followers to use Euphrates River’s water.


Imam Hussein showed real Islam, and it was against Yazid’s translate a document.Type text or a website address or




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Ambitions, because real Islam doesn’t let Yazid to do anything he wanted. It doesn’t let him to unfair and hurting oppressed.




Before Ashoura day, Imam Hussein told his followers:


Tomorrow we will kill in this desert. You can choose, you can goand leave us and safe yourself, or you can stay in God’s way with us and kill in this desert, if you stay with me, I will be kill and if you leave me I will be kill either. If someone wants to go, leave us. I will turn the lights off, you can leave us, don’t be embarrassed.




From his followers 72 men stay with him.


It was Christian youth Between 72 followers, when he saw Imam Hussein in Karbala desert and listened to his words he felt huge interest of imam Hussein, he convert to Islam and at the time follow him till martyr.




Imam HusseinWhomped up to show real Islam.


Imam Hussein loss his baby 6 month, he miss his older son 12 years old, he miss his loyal brother “Abbas”


He lost 14 years old nephew and other his dears in this way. And himself killed by “Shimr”


Imam Hussein and his 72 followers all killed by 4,000Corpsof Yazid.






Imam Husain said: if you don’t have religion , at least be free


He also said:


I prefer Dignifieddeath to full of Humiliation living


Imam HUSSEIN told to yazid’s crop in Ashura day:


Imam Husain's Sermon on the Day of Ashura:


"Now then! Consider my family, and ponder as to who I am and then admonish yourselves. Then do you consider that killing me and plundering my sanctity and respect is lawful for you?
Am I not the grandson of your Prophet (S.A.W.) and the son of his Vicegerent and cousin, who was the foremost in believing and the bearer of witness upon everything that the Prophet (S.A.W.) had brought from Allah? Was not Hamza, the chief of Martyrs, the uncle of my father? Was not Ja'far, who flies with two wings in Paradise, my Uncle? Did not the Tradition of the Prophet (S.A.W.) reach you in which he has said about me and my brother that both of us are the chiefs of the youth of Paradise?
Then if you agree to what I say, and verily what I have said is nothing but the truth, then it is better, for by Allah, from the time I have realized that Allah dislikes the liars, I have never ever spoken a lie. Then if you do not believe to what I say, there are alive among you the companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.). Go to them and ask them and they shall bear testimony to the truthfulness of my speech. Ask Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari, Abu Sa'eed Khudri, Sahl bin Sa'ad Sa'edi, Zayd bin Arqam and Anas bin Malik, they will tell you that they have heard this tradition from the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) regarding me and my brother. Is not this sufficient to refrain you from shedding my blood"?
Then Shimr bin Ziljawshan, the accursed said, "I worship Allah (only) by lips (half heartedly), and do not understand what you say." Hearing this Habib bin Mazahir said, "I can see that you worship Allah with seventy types of doubts, and I bear testimony that you have spoken the truth and you cannot understand what the Imam says, for Allah has placed a seal (of ignorance) upon your heart."
Imam (A.S.) continued,
"Then if you doubt this, do you even doubt that I am the grandson of the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.)? By Allah! There is no other grandson of the Prophet (S.A.W.) in the East or the West except myself from among yourselves or anyone else. Woe be to you! Have I killed anyone from among you whose revenge you desire? Or have I usurped the wealth of anyone or hurt anyone whose retribution you desire from me"?
When no one answered him, he (A.S.) called out in a loud voice,
"O Shabas bin Rab'ee! O Hajjar bin Abjar! O Qays bin Ash'as! O Yazeed bin Haris! Have you not written letters to me saying that the fruits had ripened and the surrounding earth had blossomed, and to come to a huge army prepared for me"?
They replied that they had not written any such letters. Imam said,
"Glory be to Allah! Yes by Allah, you had written it."
Then he (A.S.) continued,
"O people! Then now if you do not like my arrival, then leave me so that I may go away to a place of refuge."
Qays bin Ash'as said, "We do not know what you say. Then submit yourselves to your cousins (Bani Umayyah), they shall deal with you in a manner which you like." Imam replied,
"By Allah! I shall not give my hands in yours like a base man, nor shall I flee away like a slave."
Then he (A.S.) called out in a loud voice,
"O servants of Allah! 'And verily, I take refuge with my Lord and your's, lest you stone me (to death)' and I take refuge with my Lord and your's, from every arrogant, who does not believe in the day of reckoning."




In that time “Hor” that was in Yazid’s crop leave them and convert to imam Husain’s group.s crop leave them and convert to imam husain’s group.


Yazid’s crop attack to Imam HUSSEIN followers tents after killing Imam HUSSEIN and his followers, they set their tents on fire and trapped children and women.


To the God’s wisdom Imam sajjad (Muslims forth imam and imam HUSSEIN’s son) got sick and he couldn’t attend to uprising.


It was god’s wisdom to Muslims don’t miss all their Imams.


Yazid’s crop beheading all martyrs of Karbala even Imam HUSSEIN and put their heads over the lance




Roqaye was imam HUSSEIN 3 years daughter, when she saw her father’s head she passed away.


Imam Sajjad, Zeinab”Imam Husain sister”, Imam HUSSEIN wife and other girls and women traped by Yazid crops.


Zeinab and imam Sajjad made huge hurricanes by their words in front of Yazid and they could changed fooled peoples mind.


They could show Yazid’s Gimmick and they could take people with them.




Who is Yazid???????


Yazid was Moa ‘vie son that he was king that time.


He tried to change Islamic rules in his way to reach to everything he wanted.


He was dirty person who played by monkeys, he molested to women and girls and hurt poor people.


He told people Husain is liar and he is out of Islam.


Yazid’s crop raised flags which were written:


There is no god but allah لا اله الا الله :


Mohammad is prophet from Allah : محمد رسول الله


They show themselves Muslims


But they didn’t even know GOD “Allah”


If we look a bit deep


Where id real Islam?


Please think a bit deep


Today ISIL terrorists raise flags which written:


There is no god but allah لا اله الا الله :


Mohammad is prophet from Allah : محمد رسول الله




ISIL is like Yazid crop in Karbala Desert

History is happen again

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